Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Dr. Unil Perera arranged the discussion"

Ambassador Jaliya Wickramasuriya has thanked Dr. Unil Perera, of GSU's Department of Physics and Astronomy for arranging his appearance at The Center for Human Rights and Democracy.

And Dr. Perera's webpage at GSU is flying the sword wielding lion flag of the “totalitarian” Sri Lankan state.

Did the Center for Human Rights, hosted the talk on behalf of a GSU collegue Dr. Unil Perera-just wanting to showcase Sri Lanka as “Asia’s oldest democracy?”

The leader of the triumphalistic “Asia’s oldest democracy” accepted the guard of honor of a neighboring dictator just few days ago. First visit to a foreign country since the victorious massacre of 20,000 plus Tamils, internment of 300,000, enforced disappearances and continuation of ethnic cleansing and genocide took Sri Lanka’s President Mahinda Rajapakse to Myanmar this week.

Sri Lanka President has a thing or two to “learn” on continuing to hamper democracy and human rights. And needless to say Sri Lanka president is all for the continued harassment of Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

It is a shame that the Center at GSU was made the podium for this ambassador to claim Sri Lanka is a "democracy".

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