Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dear faculty, staff and students at the Center for Human Rights and Democracy at Georgia State University:

We are deeply appalled to hear the Center for Human Rights and Democracy at Georgia State University has invited Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the United States, Jaliya Wickramasuriya, to talk on "Sri Lanka: Bringing an End to A Quarter Century of Civil War."

The Government of Sri Lanka has proclaimed victory and says the "civil war is over".

But the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Tamil minorities is continuing under various guises.

Ambassador Jaliya Wickramasuriya's mission in the United States is to spearhead a misinformation campaign and hide the truth in the largely "war without witnesses" that is taking place in Sri Lanka.

Independent media is not allowed and only embeded guided tours with the military are possible to pre selected "show-case" camps and "war zones."

In the efforts to keep any independent witnesses out, Sri Lanka recently briefly detained and turned away prominent Canadian legislator Bob Rae MP at the Sri Lanka Airport, even though he was issued a visa by the Sri Lankan High Commission in Ottawa days before.

In the recent genocidal onslaught carried out by majority mono ethnic Sinhala Army of Sri Lanka, minority Tamil civilians were massacred under the fig leaf of "war on terror" and at times as "humanitarian rescue operation".

The "human costs" are never an option for Sri Lanka government, as the people they massacre are all minority Tamils.

It is reported that over 20,000 Tamil civilians were massacred and surrendering Tamil "rebel" officials and fighters were gunned down by Sri Lanka Army.

And now the Tamil civilians are being subjected to "screening", "rehabilitation" and detained in "welfare centers" amidst Tamil families facing an enforced separation by the Sri Lankan government.

Human Rights Watch has repeatedly urged for international monitoring, but scores of innocent children and youth may have been killed already, without no witnesses.

Hundreds of thousands of people are being herded into tents within these "welfare centers" that have no adequate headroom, situated in recently cleared jungle areas and their freedom of movement is curtailed.

The government has come with several guises to detain Tamils in the internment camps which the Ambassador Jaliya Wickramasuriya will certainly call "welfare centers", but the fact remains the motive of the Sri Lankan Government is:

1) uprooting and eviction Tamils from their habitats

2) a scorched earth policy on Tamils' homeland and properties

3) enforced colonization to change demographics

4) prolong/prevent resettling by claiming demining is needed and/or setting up of "high security zones" to bar resettlement.

The first act on uprooting Tamils from the island since Great Britain left in 1948 was to disenfranchise and remove citizenship of hundreds of thousands of Tamils and evicting them to India.

Ambassador Jaliya Wickramasuriya represents a government that has conned and hoodwinked the world towards this "final solution" since 1948 and death knell Tamil minorities' quest for self determination.

The President of Sri Lanka is seen as the "King of Sri Lanka" in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler's proclamation as "King of Aryan Nation". Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have condemned Government of Sri Lanka's war and post measures.

Sri Lanka's path to militaristic triumphalism is financed and equipped by vast human rights abusers- tyrants China and Russia. These tyrants and Chauvinistic Sri Lanka, are a deadly combination that spells death for freedom aspiring Tamils of Sri Lanka, and harmful to the geo-political standing of nations that uphold humanitarian norms and dignity in the region.

Protesters in Sri Lanka recently attacked embassies of Norway, United Kingdom and Canada with stones, rotten eggs and tomatoes with impunity, for expressing concern for violation of human rights in the country. The protesters calling them "patriotic Sri Lankans" destroyed the security cameras and visa counters but no one was arrested.

While pelting these other western embassies with stones, Government of Sri lanka nevertheless strongly believes that the "public relations war" ultimately has to be "won" in the United States of America.

The Center for Human Rights and Democracy at Georgia University may hope to hear from the war’s “apparent end” from the government side and prospects of “peaceful and lasting solution”.

But the Government of Sri Lanka will reap forward every benefit in appearing among academia that stands for human rights and propagate further Sinhala supremacist omission and commission to continue the ethnic cleansing and genocide that is hidden from the world’s humanitarian community.

We kindly appeal the Center for Human Rights and Democracy to reconsider giving Ambassador Jaliya Wickramasuriya a sole platform for a talk at GSU, which the Government of Sri Lanka will turn it into an unfettered propaganda.

- Citizens united for humanity -

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